"How is Chambers working during Covid-19?"
COVID-19 Risk Assessment
Queens Court Chambers has completed a Covid-19 risk assessment for our Chambers and Chancery Lane office resulting in the following steps being identified and implemented as part of our response:
All staff members (including freelance staff) will only be asked to work from Chambers where it is not reasonably practicable for them to work remotely;
All internal meetings are encouraged to take place virtually;
All external meetings are encouraged to take place virtually;
Where visits to Chambers are required, then guidance on social distancing and hygiene will be explained to visitors on arrival, must be adhered to and we will limit the number of visitors on our premises at any one time;
Most business related travel has been suspended;
Guidance has been given to staff and notices erected around our office to remind everyone about correct social distancing etiquette;
Suitable hand washing facilities are available at our office with gel sanitisers in areas where washing facilities not readily available;
Frequent cleaning of our office using appropriate cleaning products and methods is in place including disinfecting of objects and surfaces that are touched regularly.
We will keep this risk assessment and all of the above steps under review to ensure they remain suitable and sufficient to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all staff members (including freelance staff) and visitors to our offices.
Our Compulsory Health and Safety Risk Assessment Form
At Queens Court Chambers all staff members (including freelance staff), visitors, existing clients and potential clients must read, agree, sign and return our compulsory Health and Safety Risk Assessment Form, 48 hours prior to any of the following taking place:-
1. Any staff members (including freelance staff), returning to the office for the first time since the COVID-19 Government restrictions being implemented;
2. Each time any visitor attends our office;
3. Any physical contact between potential or existing clients with any of our staff members (including freelance staff) including Court hearings;
Please find attached a link to the Health and Safety Risk Assessment form for Clients.
Please find attached a link to the Health and Safety Risk Assessment form for Staff members (including freelance staff), returning to work in Chambers guidance and working safety in the office guidance.
The Government guidance on meeting people outside your household
Before attending any meetings at our office and/or with any staff members, please familiarise yourself with the Government guidance on meeting people outside your household. Please see and read in full here.
The Bar Council and the COVID-19 Working Group
The Bar Council and the COVID-19 Working Group have also issued a helpful guidance aimed towards the legal profession and members of public. Please see and read in full here.